Greystones RFC

Founded 1937

Co. Wicklow

AGM Thursday 13th June @ 8:00pm

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Annual General Meeting
Thursday 13th June, 8:00pm
In person and also by Zoom

 Our Constitution requires the holding of an AGM prior to the end of June. Members are invited to attend the 1st stage of the AGM that will be held in person and via Zoom as above.
 In order to allow for the orderly management of your Club's ongoing affairs, only a certain number of matters will be dealt with on that date, including the election of President, Vice Presidents, Officers and approval of subscriptions for the coming season.
 Subject to approval, the AGM will then be paused and be reconvened to a date no later than Thursday 30th September.
 This 2 stage approach has applied for a number of years and allows for the completion of the financial report for the year ended on the prior April 30th and preparation of Rugby budget for presentation to the members for approval on this later date in accordance with the IRFU regulations for participation in the All Ireland League.
 Please note that it is proposed that certain subscriptions will be reviewed, the full list of all subscriptions is below.
 In order to be quorate, 25 members are required to participate and we will ensure we are quorate. Zoom details will be circulated in due course for those who wish to attend on-line rather than in person in the Club. In the meantime if you wish to participate on-line please do let us know by email to as soon as possible.
1. Notice calling meeting.
 2. Apologies notified.
 3. Brief words from Chair.
 4. Approval of subscription for the season 2024/25

Proposed rates  

 | Category | Rate |  
| Patron | €600 | (including Bar tab of €100) and must be a participant in the Club Draw.
| Pavilion | €275* | (or €20 per month if paid by direct Debit including Bar Tab of €50).
| Family | €425 |  
| Youth/Mini | €185 |  
| Coach/Referee | €150 | (including Bar Tab of €50).
| Senior Citizen | €200 | (including Bar Tab of €50).
| Overseas | €175 |  
| Seagulls | €20 |  
| Senior Player/social Member | €120 | (Non-voting membership, no Bar credit)

 5. Club President  and Senior Vice Presidents for 2024/25 Season
Anne Bowes;  Proposed Brian O’Neill Seconded Victor Megannety.
Senior Vice President:
Liam Murphy Proposed Alan Keyes Seconded Patrick (Sonny) Kenny.
Incoming Senior Vice President:
Gary Nolan; Proposed Hubert Gallagher Seconded Paddy Elliott.
6. Junior Vice Presidents:
Ana Iraizoz Proposed Rory O’Connor Seconded Barry O’Beirne.
Andrew Kealy Proposed Peter Butler Seconded Paddy Elliott.
Derval Murray Proposed Fran Nolan Seconded Frank Doherty.
Colm Power Proposed Micheal McNaughton Seconded Alan Keyes.

 7. Election of Club Officers

Chairman: Niall Savage;  Proposed Gene Murphy Seconded Michael McNaughton
Hon Secretary: Tom Nolan;   Proposed Anne Bowes Seconded Niall Savage
Hon Treasurer:  David Spicer; Proposed Brendan ODonoghue Seconded Niall Savage
Director of Rugby: Breffni O’Hagan Proposed Niall Savage Seconded Joe Devine
Dir of Youths/Minis Rugby: TBC
PRO: Gary Nolan,  Proposed; Anne Bowes Seconded Niall Savage
Marketing Director:  Brendan O'Donoghue; Proposed David Spicer Seconded Tom Nolan
Pavilion Director: Stephen Pearse; Proposed  Niall Savage Seconded Gary Nolan
Club Welfare Officer: Derval Murray; Proposed Tom Nolan Seconded Breffni O'Hagan
8. Adjournment and continuing authority pending reconvening
It is hereby proposed to adjourn this AGM and reconvene it no later than 30th September to then deal with all such matters as shall be specified in the Notice of Reconvened AGM which shall be issued to the members by the Hon. Secretary in a timely manner
Tom Nolan
Hon Secretary

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